
Have you met DTSF’s newest spokes-dog?

Meet, Moonshine Jerry!


Jerry is a local pug who has some health challenges because of genetic defects which originated from the puppy mill that Jerry was rescued from in Arkansas in 2013. Jerry doesn’t let these challenges stop him from being a loving pug, or the face of DTSF’s new safety campaign.

The #Watch4Jerry video you saw above was created by DTSF and Live Well Sioux Falls to encourage the downtown community to be aware of pedestrian safety. You might recognize a few familiar faces in the video, too.


Jerry’s video will be shown before every Moonlight Movie at Fawick Park on Saturdays throughout the summer. And who knows? Maybe Moonshine Jerry might make a surprise guest appearance one of those evenings!

So be sure to #Watch4Jerry and keep DTSF safe!


To learn more about Moonshine Jerry and the #Watch4Jerry campaign, click here.

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